Problem: You’re tired of the default Kubuntu login theme and want to install a new one. But when you try to add new themes by going to System Settings > Login Screen (under the category System Administration) > Theme, nothing happens. Cause: A flaw in KDE Solution: Open Konsole and type: kdesudo kcmshell4 kdm This […]
Help Thunderbird display emoticons in messages sent from Microsoft Outlook
Problem: Mozilla Thunderbird (running on a GNU/Linux machine) doesn’t display emoticons in messages that were sent using Microsoft Outlook. Instead, emoticons appear as the letter “J”. Cause: Microsoft’s lack of concern for web and email standards Solution: Install the “Wingdings” font so that Thunderbird can actually render the emoticons. On the latest versions of Ubuntu, […]
What to do when GParted crashes on your Live CD
Problem: GParted crashes while starting up when launched from the Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat Live CD, or from a Maverick USB installation. Restarting the computer and beginning another live session fails to help matters. Solution: There’s actually a pretty simple solution for this very annoying problem: Upgrade GParted. A user dealing with this problem could, […]
This American loves to despise TV advertising
As viewers all over America know, television advertising is often needlessly repetitive and poorly produced. The number of creative spots that manage to strike a true emotional chord or offer useful information, though memorable, are few. Most of what airs between programming on every channel consists of endless promotions for drugs, cars, and beauty products. […]